A Safe Place

Jireh House has been operating since the 1980s when a small group of local volunteers, motivated by their Christian faith, began providing shelter and support to women and children escaping domestic violence.

Today, Jireh House continues this mission, with a dedicated and professional team of staff here to assist women and children experiencing homelessness.

Our accommodation services are funded by the Commonwealth and State Government.

We are also grateful to the many individuals, businesses, churches, and other organisations that support our work.

Our Mission

To empower women and children to move towards quality of life, free from all forms of abuse.

“…..He (God) has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives….”
from Isaiah 61:1-3

This is our why…

“Since November 2023 I have been involved in outreach with Jireh, which includes attending on Tuesdays for TIGA and Fridays for craft. Each Tuesday and Friday I kindly have a worker pick me up from home so that I am able to attend. For me, outreach with Jireh gives me a feeling of support, and inclusiveness. It allows me to feel less alone in my circumstances. It allows me to feel a part of a community and to experience a social aspect in my life. Without the amazing support that I receive from Jireh I would not be here. The level of care, compassion and consistency that is shown to me through outreach has allowed me to participate in activities I wouldn’t usually try, and the therapeutic aspect of craft has been very healing for me. Absolutely without a doubt restores my faith in life and I’m very thankful.” 

“When I was offered a place at Jireh, my expectations weren’t very high. I thought (even though I was told it was a unit) that I would be sharing a room with several others and that I would have to make my own appointments and follow through on my own. I felt so scared and numb-it felt like it would be easier to just turn around and go back to what I had left. But I was given a unit with my own tv, microwave, bathroom and fridge. My own safe little place where I could enter and lock the door to be on my own- to be able to rest in the quiet or to be able to think what to do next. The best part of entering Jireh was that ALL the wonderful workers listened to you-to what you had to say. They helped me through the hardest decisions of my life. They helped make phone calls and appointments and drove me to some or just sat with me while I sobbed my heart out. Nothing seemed too hard for any of the workers. They even made sure I ate a meal.

Thank you.”

Can I stay at Jireh House?

Please call us to find out about the availability of accommodation at Jireh House.
Make this first step and call us today.