What is domestic violence?

You could be experiencing domestic violence if your partner is:

  • Criticising, humiliating and insulting you or calling you names
  • Making it difficult for you to see friends and relatives or stopping you from doing so
  • Depriving you of basic necessities such as money, food and shelter
  • Making you have sex against your will
  • Frightening you by damaging your house, furniture or other possessions
  • Harming or threatening to harm your pets
  • Threatening to hurt you
  • Shaking, pushing or shoving you
  • Checking your letters emails and phone calls
  • Denying your access to ceremonies, land or preventing you practising your beliefs
  • Slapping, kicking or punching you
  • Using weapons such as knives to threaten you
  • Threatening to call and have your visa revoked, or criticising your cultural background
  • Undermining your parenting

Domestic violence is an offence under the Family Violence Act 2004.

In an Emergency call 000  

Helpful Services

1800 608 122

6264 2222

Engender Equality (a community based support service)

6278 9090

1800 800 588

Pets in the Park (information about pet fostering)

1300 017 979

131 114

1800 737 732

1800 806 189

6231 1811

Child Safety Service (advice and referral line)

1800 000 123

1800 682 486

1800 459 975